Tuesday 12 July 2011

links: technology

Ask Metafilter [1].A Whole Lotta Nothing: Kickstarter tips from a fan of crowd-funding.Upgrading from a Basic Canon Rebel DSLR | Making it Lovely.I am wondering what new podcasts are out that are in the category: "Mindblowing." Things that amaze, inspire, or make you reflect | Ask MetaFilter.Lara Ferroni � Plate to Pixel and Other Food Photography Resources.Reunited (With Blogs) And It Feels So Gooood : whoorl. About how it used to be, and getting that back with the Google Reader Next Button for your browser, I'll have to do this. Somehow I still miss you-know-what-Lines, my Google Reader seems impenetrable.

[1] http://ask.metafilter.com/184984/Cant-remember-address-of-website-with-interviews-about-computing-preferences-of-famous-people

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/notmartha/~3/LYV6k4XmmSw/

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