Sunday 14 August 2011

links: technology

swissmiss | Make Photoshop Faster.Does this LED sound funny to you? - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories. All about the candle flicker LED.Nordstrom Mobile POS at GirlHacker's Random Log. Oh dear, this could lead to a dangerous amount of spontaneous purchasing.TIGSource � Recent Good Knytt Stories #3. I'm so very glad levels are still being made, Knytt Stories remains one of my all time favorite games.I buy macs, despite the premium, but my macbook pro just died and fcpx may signal the end of needing a mac to edit video. Should I not buy a mac? | Ask MetaFilter. Our house has been primarily PC but recently Scott bought a Macbook for the video editing that came with it. I'll be interested to see if that changes. Right now we're happy being a mixed house.swissmiss | Don?t Fear The Internet. Basics for non-web designers.'Machinarium' Heading To iPad Next Month | Touch Arcade. It's from the makers of Samarost. Few things make me wish I had an iPad, this is one.


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