Saturday 13 August 2011

May Birthday Giveaway: World of Geekcraft


Today is a bit of synchronicity, my month of giveaways coincided with the blog book tour for World of Geekcraft [2], Step-by-Step Instructions for 25 Super-Cool Craft Projects. The author is Susan Beal, a super cool lady who writes for Craft, Stitch, ReadyMade, CraftStylish,, has her own site at West Coast Crafty [3] and whose many books have appeared on my site before (most recently see Modern Log Cabin Quilting [4]). But more importantly she is one of those people whom I've known online (and in person) forever, very close to a decade. To learn more about the World of Geekcraft book check out the blog [5] and you can find PDF instructions and templates for the Pow! Zap! Magnets right here [6]. The book tour is headed over to House on Hill Road [7] and Public School [8] tomorrow, go and visit.

If you'd like to win a copy of World of Geekcraft please leave a comment with this post. You've got until Friday, May 13th at 10 a.m. PST to enter, the fine print [9] applies. If you'd like something to mention answer this question: What was your favorite geeky tv show or movie when you were a kid? Me? I'm gonna have to go with Buck Rogers. Alright, good luck! Closed! Thanks for entering!



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