Tuesday 19 April 2011

daily photo: Mar. 11th

My internet has been nonexistant today so I'm sending this from my iPhone. This is a photo of the bolognese I started at 10am. I'm starting to suspect the recipe author and I have different definitions of "a low simmer". Still, I think given enough time it might be impossible (perhaps Megan proof?) for a bolognese to turn out badly. It would be easier to pass the time if I has the Internet to amuse me. So far I've cleaned the house and washed the dishes and practiced with eyeshadow to create a smoky eye (it's not supposed to make me look like I'm upset, right?) and I've even sorted some kitchen cabinets. The Internet better return or I'll have my tax preparation done before the day is out.

[1] http://www.flickr.com/photos/notmartha/5518664104/

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/notmartha/~3/3ETB-aVZuzM/

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