Saturday 4 June 2011

Great How-To: Little Leftover Note Cards


We editors and authors here on CRAFT have been oohing and awing over these cute Little Leftover Note Cards. Kristin Roach over at Craft Leftovers has done an amazing job with her step-by-step how-to; she makes these elegant cards look easy-peasy to make.


I'm now thinking of all the odds and ends I have in kitchen drawers, desk drawers, and, truthfully, even in my sock drawer. Could those little plastic pigs from the pig shooter be used in some way? What about the star-shaped bits I saved from an old toy? Corks, yarn scraps, ribbon pieces, and buttons I have handled, no worries. Those are in the bathroom cabinet, in my Sewing Notions box. Who knoew my note card masterpieces are just a few drawers and cabinets away!?

Check out Kristin's Tutorial here.


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